BILLY WATTS 20 5'9 180 lbs of Newton Mass, he was stationed at Camp Pndleton In the US Marines at the time this shot wos made but is now attending college in Florido, Bill's biceps are 17 1/4, chest 45/47, waist 31, thigh 24,5, neck 17. He storted training at age 16 of the Union Borbell Club of Boston and trained for 1 1/2 yoors until joining the corp, where he found it necessary to lay off but storted in again in earnest six months before we did this work.. A naturally husky boy, Billy finds it easy to gain bulk, difficult to keep fat off.

Easy going and helpful, het makes friends whereever he goes which should help. him immensely in the operation of a gym he hopes for when he graduates from college.

AMG offers

48 photos,

JACK MERCURY 19, 56", 148 lbs. A member of the quintet known as "Four Beaux and a Belle", Jack has appeared on television a number of times, once on the Ted Mack program. At the time this book went to press, Jack and the group have been appearing at the Stage Coach Inn in New Jersey.

Jack has been working out with both weights and on the high bars for the past two years, feeling both play an important role in getting maximum body size and defnition with a minimum expenditure of time.

Mr Mercury has very kind words for his photographer Jack Sidney who took these and many other shots. He says that Jack Sidney deserves much of the credit for his success as a physique model and also for the confidence he inspired in him for his theatrical career. He also gave Physique Pictorial

a pat on the back too saying he has been a constant reader and has found it an inspiration in his bodybuilding.

JACK SIDNEY po bax 97 Williamsburg Station Brooklyn 11 New York offers 8 35mm color slides of Jack Mercury for $3, and 8 31/2 by 5 photo prints for $2. Send him selfaddressed stamped envelope for a free printed circular of his fine youthful models.

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PHYSIQUE MOVIES? Please send in your answer to this questionnaire whether or not you now have a projector. 1. Do you now have or do you contemplate purchasing a projector? 2. Size: 16MM 8 MM 3. If you dont have a projector have you considered renting one for special gatherings ($2.75 is a typical price of rental in most stores). 4. What physique films have you already seen and which were best. 5. Faults of physique movies you have b seen. 6. Which of the following themes would you be interested in seeing in physique movies (Put star* after most desirable themes): Posing routines, Wrestling, Day in the Life of Athlete or model, Dramatic stories, Humourous stories, Adventure, Weightlifting instruction, Various sports, Others. 7. Do you insist that physique movies be in posing strap (or back view nude), or will you accept other brief garments appropriate to the theme of the movie? 8. Would you have an interest in a movie club whereby purchasers of physique movies might exchange addresses of other movie enthusiasts, thus making possible a wider variety of material with minimum investment? 9. Do you have a slide projector and would you find auxilliary slide sets useful of some of the key scenes of the films? 10. Which of the AMG models do you consider worthy of movies. Please add any comments which come to mind on the subject of movies. We feel that properly presented such films can serve an invaluable purpose. Page 4

LET'S WIPE OUT THE VICIOUS SEX RACKET IN POLITICS. Senator Kefauver tried to climb to the presidency by gathering and expounding frightening statistics about the exaggerated menace to juveniles from certain so-called sensuous literature. Certain lazy law enforcement groups beg for broader powers to act as censors on what their constituents may read and see (thus paving the way for pay-offs and corruption). These feed on the fears of some ignorant parents who believe that censorship and suppression will take the place of parental interest, guidance and sensible enlightenment. A child who has true love at home is bored with so-called adult literature.

The truth is that most of these political racketeers dont know the meaning of true morals--they will stoop to any immoral means to achieve political power. In one court case we listened to in Los Angeles where a school teacher photographer was being prosecuted for asking a school boy to pose for physique photos, the degenerate minded prosecutor presenting his exhibits found in the teacher's car at the time he arrived to keep his appointment with the boy (and was met by Vice officers instead)--certain scarves, props and other items were offered as an Exhibit A, and then a jar of vaseline and a coil of clothesline rope were singled out to be presented as "Exhibit 8." this is the filthy way certain minds work. One of the star police pornography witnesses at the Kefauver photo hearings in Los Angeles who frequently gave false testimony in other court cases where the defense requests for lie detector tests were refused, recently confessed to molesting his 14 year old step-daughter, even tho ironically enough the girl herself denied the charges until faced with his confession in open court. One wonders if our police here might have taken training under the old Moscow regime.

Of course, everyone has heard with disgust of the Kefauver Committee Chief Consul's frequent private party showings of the illicit movies confiscated--apparently the reasoning of the committee was that such films filthy for you and me, but not for their special friends. Certainly, some people are going to wonder just how one goes about getting on one of these censorship committees.

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